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30 April 2008

To get broodfrog by simple method

Cara sederhana mendapat induk kodok lembu. Broodfrog is bullfrog with eggs, and sperms. Broodstock are male, and female. Male produces sperms, and female produces eggs. Male must be 12 months ages, 400 gram in weight. Female must be 18 months ages, 400 gram in weight.

Male and female can be differented by ears, colour of neck, colour of body, and sound. Male has big in ears, yellow, and green in neck, clearer in body, and has sounds. Female has small in ears, white in neck with black spotes, darker in body, and hasn’t sounds.

Broodstock is principal spawning materials. Broodstock will produce young frog. It has good in quality. Broodstock in high quality will produced young frogs in high quality.

Youngfrog in high quality will live finely, growth fastly, high in tolerant, and high in survival rates, so that production will high. The situation will make culturies get high profite.

Broodstock can original from two sources of broodstock, are from farm self and from out of farm. Broodstock also has high in quantity. Broodstock number depend of scales. A culturis is better has 10 couples of broodstocks.

Totals of broodstock (bs) for some scales of young frog (yf) production : 10 couple of broodstock for 10.000 young frog/month; 20 bs for 20.000 yf/month; 50 bs for 50.000 yf/month. 100 bs for 100.000 yf, and 1.000 bs for 1.000.000 yf/month.

To get broodstock from farm self

Broodstock can original farm self. It done to avoid high price, Broodstock from out of farm has to sold, and more expensive. Beside that, quality of broodstock from farm self known. Selection is a method for making broods in high quality in farm self.

This selection is in some stages. First selection in tadpoles from first rearing, with choising tadpole in bigest in size, and normal in body, and health. The next, tadpoles cultivated in twice rearing.

Twice selection, in tadpoles from twice rearing, with same ways. Thirth selection in tadpoles from thirth rearing, with same ways. Selection continuosly in young frogs, and adulf. Adulf cultivated until broodstock. With ways like that, it will get broods in high quality.

Althought, a culturis can produce broodstock from farm self, but using be careful. Many culturis which use broodstock unregular, with spawning males, and females from itself.

It will effect negative in genetic. Because, it will be happened inbreeding. In breeding can cause genetic increase, where frogs willn’t growth fastly, weak, intolerant to environment change, and intolerant to attack diseases.

It can cause high in mortality. For avoiding in breeding, can be done with spawning males from farm self with females from out of farm, or females from farm self with males from out of farm.

From out of farm
Broodstock also can import from out of farm, specialy for new comer. The broodstock can be bought from other provinces, minimaly two location. In order don’t get broodstock in low quality, buying it must be careful. Because, method to production broodstock don’t known. It’s tips to get broodstock in high quality.

a. Buy broodstocks 2 – 3 months before culturing. Because, these must be adafted before.
b. Choise broodstock young, or broodstock which spawn not yet.
c. Choise broodstock in high quality, with normal in body, healty, strong, active, and respontive to food.
d. Buy males in a location, whereas female from other location. Or buy females in a location, whereas males from other location.