To choise area for a farm must be careful, because there the bullfrog will cultured, and produced continiously. Survey is very important to see it before choising or fixing as an area. (Read more)
For making a farm of bullfrog, you have to have some facilities. All of them are better built in location your self. Because, if you built in the other, you need addition cost. (Read more)
Spawning in bullfrog is influented by four factors : First, male has to mature. It signed by neck is dark green or dark yellow, agresive, voice harder, opten climb others. (Read more)
Actualy, it’s my secret. I has contain for more eight years. Because this research is very expensive, don’t money that I lossed, but my brain, may time, and my energy. (Read more)
Land for bullfrog pond has to fertile. Especially for rearing pond. If not, natural foods will not appear, or appear, but low in density, and it will not for long times. (Read more)
Pond for bullfrog or tadpoles has to fertile. It has natural foods in high population, with variation kind, and size. Natural food is very important for fishes growth. It has to stocked during cultivating. (Read more)
Water is fishes life place, also bullfrog. As it, water has to enough for along times. If not, cultivate will stoped, and it can change schedul. It also to be a problem to targets. 9 (Read more)
Youngfrog is phase bullfrog life after tadpole. Success or not growing depend of it. Therefore quality of youngfrog has to good. One of its sign is has size minimal 10 gram after tadpole. (Read more)
I examined by some bullfrog culturis, because I cann’t solve their problem, whereas I have payed by them. A problem has happened in their farm. (Read more)
When I was discussing with culturis, one of them ask to me, how to produce bullfrog consumtion in higher quantity ? I could not its question. (Read more)
Genetic dicreasing can be occur to all of animals, and plants. It’s signed by generation characteristic which not same by the broodstocks. (Read more)
Tadpoles is life bullfrog phase since egg up to pre youngfrog, or tadpole with four legs (two front legs, two back legs). It lives in the water, and breath by gills. (Read more)
There are many transporter for youngfrogs, some of them, are bamboo basket, coarse bag, wood box, fruit basket, and sterofoam box. Transporting by bamboo basket, (Read more)
Broodfrog is bullfrog with eggs, and sperms. Broodstock are male, and female. Male produces sperms, and female produces eggs. (Read more)
To begin business, like bullfrog don’t obliged dirrect in big scale. Because it need big capital, and wide areas. Whereas, don’t all of the people have these. Even, many of the people only have wish. (Read more)
Some culturis come to me, and asked, how to keep in order bullfrog silent when stranger come. I very understood with its question. Because, I realy know about behaviour of bullfrog. 18 (Read more)
Broodstock ponds are places for cultivating broods after or before spawn up to gravid. Whereas growing pond are places for cultivating youngfrog up to adulf, or size for consumtion. (Read more)
Spawning is mixing males, and females to a place so that spawn. Spawning will occur if males, and females in gravid. Also it stimulated by appearing dry muds smell. (Read more)
Maturtiion are cultivate broodstocks after, and before spawning so that gravid. In oder to get broodstock in high quality, cultivate divided in four activities, these are pond preparation, stocking, feeding, and selecting. (Read more)
Based on feed habits, animal divided in three catagories, are herbivore, carnivore, and onmivore. Herbivore is animal plants feeder. Carnivore is animal small animal feeder. (Read more)
Hatching are activities to take care of eggs so that hatch, ready stocked to the rearing pond. Temperature is one of principal factor in hatching. (Read more)
Normaly, in 25 – 27 O C, eggs hatch in 7 days, to be tadpoles with complete organs. It seem like a black ball with a tail that swim in the water. (Read more)