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02 May 2008

Best water for bullfrog growth out

Inilah air yang baik untuk pembesaran kodok lembu. I examined by some bullfrog culturis, because I cann’t solve their problem, whereas I have payed by them. A problem has happened in their farm. High death rate in growing. This death rate was caused by red legs. I was very ashamed by them.

I tried to solve that problem by treatment. I treatment by some remedy. But that method did not effective. Death rate still high. They was still examined me. I was very frurriea, what I have to do. Whereas in other farm it did not happened.

Next, I tried solve that problem by antibiotic, although it approved. But that method also did not effective, death rate still high. They was more examined me. I was more frurriea, I did not, what method have to do. I ask them so that payed me, before I can solve that problem.

I research in some farm. I would like to find its cause by. Fortunatelly, I found a little illustration, but I still certain yet. Because I have not know more. I repeat this research in other farm. I found more illustration. Finally I make a decision to make experiment.

I make experiment in three pond. Water resource for the third pond distinguis it self, pond A original from a river, pond B from a canal, and pond from ground water. Youngfrog 20 gram stocked there by density same. Every week I saw their development. I was very happy. Evidence, in pond C is the best.

Next, I repeat this experiment. True, that pond C is the best. What happened in this experiment ? Fact indicate, that death rate in growing is caused by water resources.

River water is very dirty. Muds can appear red legs very seriously. Cannal water is clearer than river water, red legs did not seriously. Whereas, water ground is cleares, red legs did not found. By that experiment, I conclusion, that water ground is the best for bullfrog growing.