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08 May 2008


Everybody want to success. Or to reach every wish. A success can make the peoples satesfied. But satisfaction only a few minutes, because at the same time appear new wishes. They think how to reach it.

They confuse to find ways how to reach it. But they don’t know what the new wish will be its reach, or not. Satisfaction change up to unsatifaction. So, satifaction only a few minutes.

After finding a ways, they make plans as the first step. But sometimes their brain don’t be able. It make them has to find other information, like ask to wife, familie, friends, and the other. If it doesn’t enough, they have to open references, go to libraly, or lend to frien. But it need many time. It make them confuse.

After that, they have to other plans as second steps. It more detail than the first. When the plans will be done, today, tomorow, this week, next week, this month, or next month. Where the plans will be worked, in the house, in the office, or where. And who the people which will be invited, best friends, relations, or families.

After that, they have to done the plans. But of course, all of them don’t easy, many treats, obstacles, and hindrance. All of them have to loss. But for losing them, also don’t easy. Fortunately, if they can to give a way them. Their steps will stainless, and they can reach their wish. The are success, happy, and satisfied.

But don’t all people success, many which fail. Even greater fail than success. Failures make the people disappointed, unsatisfaction, and unhappy. Sometimes make the people frustration, lazy, and sillent. They afraid of failures. Like motto, life averse, dead don’t want.

It’s lifely. Wash, work, successfull, failures, satisfation, disappointion always come and go on to adorned lifely. No one else refuse it. But all of them don’t end of the life. Succesfull don’t end of struggle, but it’s first of a journey. Because, after get a success, will appear new wishes. Failures don’t end of lifely. Because everybody can begin by the failures for geting a success, premising that don’t repeat guilt again. Of course, it’s begun by wish.