The eel live in six phses. These are eggs, preleptocephale, leptocephale,glass eels, fingerling, adult, and broodstock. Also the eel is named catadromous, or the fishes which adult lives in the freshwater but after broodstock migrate to the sea for spawning. Journey to the sea need long time, there are many challange.
In order arrive in the mouth of river, the eel can follow run current. It also can to go down waterfalls. Arrive in mouth of river, the challange hasn’t end, because for arriving in the deep sea, it must challenge great waves. From all of challanges, it can be named that the eel is a strong fish. Except, it must adaft to high salinity.
Not yet known how the eel spawn. But it spawn in the deep sea, more than 6.000 m. After spawnig, the broodstock will dead. The eggs hatch become preleptocephale. Preleptocephale change to leptocephale, and then change to glass eel or elver. Elver has 0,15 – 0,20 gr in weight. Glass eel will follow wave to muoth of river.
From mouth of river, glass eel will migrate to reaches of river. In the situation baby eel have to pass some challenge. The first it has to challange run current. Then some waterfall has to pass by climbing them. After finding suit environment, eel will live there up to adult, even up to manure.