In other article, I have informed that some of fishes are nocturnal, or animal that actives in night, whereas in afternoon they hidden in the holes, under root, or under leafs. Activity in night especially in looking for feed. Another activity is for spawning. African catfish, and sand goby are nocturnal.
Eel is noctucnal, too. Activity of the eel don’t spawning, but just looking for feed. Eels, especially, and broodstock out of hidder, swim around water to look for small fish, or other small animal. Except of them eels look for carrions. From its habitual, we can catched them at night.
How about glass eels. Eels appear in night, too. Except to look for feed, also for finding river. Appearing the glass eels is very influenced by flood, and ebb of sea water. When sea water abb, glass eels in the centre, far of the coastal. Effect of the flood, glass eel will be followed to coastal, crowned in mouth of river.
Except by abb, and flood of sea water, appearing glass eel influenced by weathers. Glass eels will appear when clear weather. Glass eel doesn’t like running current, dirty water, and raining. Glass eel also doesn’t like moon radiate. Glass eel will appear when the dark. At the time, glass eel catched.
Now, you know that glass eels will appear in clear weather, and in the dark. But what time is ? Glass eels appear from 22.00 o’clok, and at the end 05.00 o’clock. Before 22.00 o’clock, glass eels have not appear. They far of the coastal, because sea water has not flood. After 05.00 o’clock, glass eels will loss, because sea water abb, and sun begin shine.