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02 May 2008

About bullfrog

Tentang kodok lembu. Before, I have informed you about frog, and some adventages of them for the peoples. Now, I would to inform you about bullfrog. It’s important for you before culturing. Next, you will know how to choise an area for bullfrog culture. Of course, you also will know about how to produce it.

The bullfrog isn’t original animal Indonesia. Differ with local, bullfrog is familiar or isn’t wild. It can be cultured. Bullfrog can natural spawn in a tank or a pond. Eggs of bullfrogs can hatch well in 25 – 30 O C. Also bullfrog is very respond to food, natural and artficial food. For knowing more of bullfrog can be seen in classification, morlogy, habitation, life cycle and spawning, food, ang feeding habits.

1. Classification
An expert is Grzimek (1974) classified bullfrog to: Filum : Chordata; Kelas : Amphibia; Subkelas : Anaummorpha; Ordo : Anaurans; Subordo : Diplasiocoela; Famili : Ranidae (true frog)
Sub famili : Raninae; Genus : Rana; Species : Rana catesbiana Shaw

2. Morfology and organs function
Frog is an uniquqe animal. Body’s like humans. It has head, body, a couple of hand and a couple of legs. Differet’s, frog hand is useful as leg to walk. Doesn’t like local frog, bullfrog is wilder and can be cultured in the ponds. Their life regulated in easy by human, so that for producing can managed like human wants. More over if it joined by perseverancely, and patienty, production in a period can be increased.

The other unique, bullfrog isn’t stinking, like fishes, and live in two shapes, tadpole and frog. Tadpole has around in body shape, and has a tail. It seem like a ball with tail. In thirth months, appear a couple of back legs, and than a couple of front legs. Tail is still length. In 7 – 10 days, tail wiil small, and seem a small swelling. When it has tail, frog doesn’t feed, foods from tail. Tail is reserve stock.

Head is three side in shape. A mouth, a couple of ear, a couple of eye, a couple noise hole there. Mouth is wide, split most of side front of head. Mouth is for catching foods. But when catching it helfed by length tongue. Hole noises are small in above, for smelling.

Eyes in left and right of head, for seeing, but this organs don’t tolerant direct sunshine. Therefore, in the culture, place has to given roops, and it walls painted dark colour. Ears is big in the left, and right above of head. Ears for listening. Beside that, ears can be used to differet male an female. Male has biger ear than female.

Neck of frog is short, almost itn’t seem. No hole like human neck. Otomaticaly, The neck can’t useful as human neck, can’t turn to the left, and the right. For seeing there, frog must rotated all of body. Neck skin is very thin, and soft, like stomach skin.

This part can be used to different male, and female, where male is kuning green, and female is white black spots. Beside that, this organ can be used to know gravidy of male, when male will sounded if it has gravid. In this part sound sack in.

Bullfrog isn’t like fishes, the all of body isn’t closed by skin, but it’s closed by leather. Leather in back is ruder than stomach. It’s head leather. Colour of back leather and stomach are different. Stomach is white.

Whereas back is clear green in basic, with some big spots distributed to all of side. It seem like soldier shirt. Leather colour depend place colour. In the clear colour will clear, in the dark will dark. When it stress, colour will change fastly become pallid.

Legs front frog are like human hands, and consist three parts, are shoulder, arm, and fingers. Shoulder is shorter than arm, it has meat thiner than arm. But still can be fed by human. Fingers are five for male, and four for female. Fingers consists are three knuckles, and claws.

Back legs is also like human legs, and consist are three part, are thigh, calf, and finggers. Thigh is longer than calf, and closed by meat thicker than calf. This parts fed by human in greater than the others. The both of legs are functioned to stand body, to walk, and helf in swimming. Fingers back legs are three knuckle, and claw.

3. Habitation, Life Cycle and Reproduction
Bullfrog is named amphibi animal, or an animal which live in two habitas. It has four phase, are egg, tadpole, young frog, adulf, and brood. From egg, and tadpole to before young frog live in the water, like fishes. They breath by gills. From young frog to adult an brood live in the land, but it land has to near with water.

Because, sometimes they have to swim to wet body’s and clean sweat’s. Sweats seem like mucuss. Bullfrog can live in the dry for a few months, premising don’t direct in sunshine, and damp. Usually, bullfrog hidden in the holes, trees, and root.

Historicaly, bullfrog isn’t Indonesia original animal, but it’s from America Continent. Bullfrog distributed in some countries, Nort America, Canada, Meksiko, Colombia, California until Rocky Mountain, Amerika Tengah. It lives in the fields, side lakes, side reservoirs, and slow river.

Habitaly, Bullfrog has high tolerant in some environt, and can adaft in some countries, include in Indonesia. Althought can adaft in tropical, bullfrog doesn’t tolerant to direct sunshine.

Like the most of fishes, in habitat bullfrog spawn in rain season. It likes spawn in places when in drying season dry, but in raining season watered. From the places appear smell. It can give a stimulus to spawn. Spaning is begun by calling male with hard in voices’s.

Female will come to male. In a few minutes, they see theirself. Male will chase, catch, embrance, and climb female. It done refeat, sometimes until two days. Finished, male will strip stomach female, so that female ovulation eggs. In that time, male ovulation sperms.

Fertilization in the out of body, in the water. The eggs has round in shape, 1 mm in size, and it closed by mucous. It distributed to side of water and cling to substrats, like trees, plant water, and roots. Mocous will be loss after two days. Whereas the eggs will hatct in 7 days become tadpoles. A female in 400 gram can produce 20.000 – 30.000 eggs.

4. Food and feeding habits
Because lives in two habitats, bullfrog has feed habit different with other animals. In the water, specialy tadpole is omnivore, it feed biota, pithopancton, and zooplankton, like detritus, benthos, and algae. Bullfrog is a scavenger, or animal feed carrion other animal.

In young bullfrog to adult are omnivore, or it feed animal, like insect, earthworm, small fishes, maggot, caterpillar and other animal. But the food has to movement. If hungry or low in stock food, it cannibals. Bullfrog will feed others of them.

Althought naturally, bullfrog movement feed, but it can be fed artificial food. In tadpole, it can be fed powder, like brain, artificial food powder. In young frog, beside it feed earthworm, small fishes, maggot, caterpillar earthworm, small fishes, maggot, caterpillar, bullfrog can be fed artificial food floating, but the food has high in protein.

The food spread in the water, and it will floating. When bullfrog movement, the food movement, then bullfrog will catch the food. Bullfrog is nocturnal, or nigh animal. It look for food in night, afternoon it hidden in the holes, and roots.

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