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02 May 2008

About frog

Tentang dunia kodok. Now, I would like to inform you about the bullfrog culture. But before, I will inform you about what is the frog, where does it live, how does it life, and what are advantages frog for the people. Next, you will know how to choise an area for bullfrog culture. Of course, you also will know about how to produce it.

To distinguish the animals is easy. We can see on their body. Every animal has difference, like frog. Frog is an animal has fours legs. It lives in water when young and breath by gills, but after adulf lives in the land and breath by lungs. Because live in two habitats, frog is named amphiby animal.

In the world, there are more than 1.000 specieses frogs. They are distributed in five continents, but don’t all of them live in the water and the land, some of them live in the trees. Although, they live in the land or the trees, but they need water to wet their body. This moment, assumed more over 100 specieses of frog have disappear.

Next, what is advantage frog for the people. Like, the other animals, frog also can be consumed by the people as a daily food. But don’t all of them can be consumed, some of them can’t be consumed, because they have poisons. Generaly, frogs which live in the trees can’t be consumed.

Although, frog can be consumed, but don’t all part of their body, only back legs. Because this part has tick meat, whereas other parts don’t have like that. If these compared, only 35 percents than the all of body. In Indonesia, the rest is used as raw materials in making fish food, after taken its leather.

Frog flesh is very nice. More over if it coocked by variation foods. In Indonesia the frog flesh usualy served in fred frog, and soup frogs. In some countries, frog flesh is served in sosis. Frog flesh is like bird flesh. If it fred flesh and born separated itself, so that easy to consumed.

Frog has hish protein. Balai Penelitian Mutu Hasil Perikanan (BPMHP) Jakarta, one of fisheries devision inform that Indonesian frog has 15,23 percents proteins, 0,59 percents fet, 80,59 percents water, and 3,38 percents ash. Whereas bullfrog has 19,76 percents proteins, 0,63 percents fet, 75,63 percents water, and 2,36 percents ash.

Frog isn’t popular in Indonesia. Demand is low, below 20 tons in a year, supplays also is low, below 10 tons. It’s cause numbers of culturies is low. Low in popularity, caused by Indonesian are moslim in mayorities, and frog is taboo. Frog only consumed by certain levels, like Chines, Christianis, and Budhis.

They consumed local frog. The price of local frog are 5 $ US/kg life frog. But local frog assumed will discrease in population, because their life area is wider, caused other sectors, catching unbalance with selective brood will go out of habitats, and discrease in environt caused by polutans.

This situation make frog businees stiil clear. They agree, it’s an oppurtinity to get profit in higher. They produce, beside for local market, also for international market. They export to some counties, like Singapura, Japan and Hongkong. Eropa countries, like Germany, Luxemburg, France, Nederland, and Belgia. Also to United States of America. More over 10.000 tons a year demand of international market in fresh and frozen frogs, but supplay only 50 pecents. The price there reach 10 $ US.

Indonesian has been exporting frog since 1969. It’s from natural frog, result of catching. The totals export reach frogs are reach 100.000 tons, 1.000.000 $ US. Indonesia is thirth levels after India, and Bangladesh. India export 42,04 percents of total demans, Bangladesh 21,63 percents, Indonesia only 24 percents.

Five species frog live in Indonesia, these are Field frog (Rana carcarivora), stone frog (Rana erythraceae), green frog (Rana macrodon), spot frog (Rana limnocharis), and giant frog.

Field Frog (Rana carcarivora) has soft leather, green with black spot, and has long line in the back. Field frog lives in the field, and canals.

Stone frog (Rana erythraceae) has soft leather, brown, green in back, and white in stomach. Stone frog lives in rivers with stone in the mounth.

Green frog (Rana macrodon) has green in all of body: Green frog lives in tn the field, and rivers in the mounth.

Spot frog (Rana limnocharis) has back in clear green with dark green spot, and has long line in the back: Spot frog lives in the field, rivers, and canals.

Giant frog has brown in the back, with a long line there. Giant frog doesn’t distributed in whole of Indonesia. It only laives in West Sumatra.

In 1970 population frog in India, and Bangladesh discrease caused environt dirty. The both of goverment coutries warn to catch natural frog. In 1976 Indonesia become number one of countries frog exporter, export 39,05 percents of demand. Taiwan is twice 17,10 percents, and Turki is thirth 15,75 percents.

But in a few years, Indonesia natural frogs population discrease, it caused by wider area, dirty environt, and catching not selective. This situation make yield from catching descrease, and Indonesia isn’t number one, and only export 20 percents. India back become number one, than Bangladesh.

In 1982, Indonesia Goverment imported bullfrog (Rana catesbiana Shaw) from Taiwan. Indonesian named Kodok Lembu, because voice’s bullfrog likes is like cow voice. One year later, bullfrog success spawned Indonesian culturies. Since it, exsport frog from Indonesia don’t only from catching, but from culture.

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