Now, I want to introduce for you about eel. For a most of people, maybe will ask, what is the eel ? In this article, you can find answer’s. In the other article, you will know more, and also about how to produce the eel. You can become a culturis. Read, please !
Eel is a freshwater fish. But it’s differ with the most of freswater fishes. Because its body’s very length, like snake. Althought eel is like snake, skin in the eel isn’t seen. Eel skin is very small, it can’t be seen by eyes.
Other freshwater fish like eel is eel swamp eel. But it hasn’t skin. If it touched eel swap is very soft, and smooth. Its habitation’s differ. Swamp eel lives in the muds, whereas eel lives in the water. Don’t worry, you certain can different them.
Past, how is advantage the eel for the people. Like other fishes, the eel also can be fed. It has nice smell. With meat’s white, and texture’s soft sure wiil invite your taste. More over if it coocked in variation foods. Sure it wiil nicer. Please it self.
Indonesian eats fresh eels, preserve, and inconstant, like fred eels, smoked eels, and sidedish. In Japan the eels are consumed by grilled eel fillets, it served by sauses and sweet taste. The food is very popular in Japan, and it’s named sushi. The other foods are unajuu, unadon, and unagi. A consumer can be consumed five eels in one year.
The eel isn’t popular in Indonesia. It’s consumed certain levels, only high level. Domestic demand is low, but supplay is high. Althought, demand is low, and supplays is high, but the price is high, reach 10 $ US. Demand less than 50 tons one year. Supplay more than 20 ton. The surpluss are export to Japan, Hongkong, America, and Eropa.
Indonesia has been exporting since 1960. The eels are exported by life, fresh, and frozen, 14.93 $ US in price. The size of eels are 125 gams, and 200 grams. Total export only 637,195 tons in one year, and 960,971 $ US. The totals are divide some countries, 58 percents to Asia, 41 percents to America, 1.7 to Eropa, and 0.16 percents to Australia. Indonesia also exporst glass eels 100 $ US in price.
In the world, there are 18 species of eels, distributed in Eropa, America, Australia, Africa, and Asia. In Indonesia live six speciess of eels. The all of them are Anguilla bicolor, Anguilla marmorata, Anguilla celebensis, Anguilla borneoensis, Anguilla mauritania, and Anguilla ancerteralis. They are distributed in Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebensis. Every species has characteristic itself.
Anguilla marmorata has skin in soft, green or brown in colour, dark brown line in back, and live in the field, and the cannal near of the fileld in Celebensis, and Borneo.
Anguilla bicolor has skin in soft, brown in colour, green in back, white in stomach, and live in the rivers with stones in Sumatra and Java mountains.
Anguilla celebensis has skin in hard, grey in colour with spots dark grey, and live in the rivers in Borneo, and Celebensis.
Anguilla borneoensis has skin in hard, white clear in colour, can be reach 2 kg in weight, and 90 cm in length, and live Borneo, and Celebensis.
Anguilla ancentralis has skin in hard, dark grey in colour with spots dark brown, and live in North Celebensis.
Anguilla mauritinia has skin in hard, clear brown in colour with spots dark brown, and live in Java and Sumatra.
Indonesia is one intersting country in developing the eel, because it has trofical climate with high temperature. Temperature is very efect in growing of eels, when in the high temperature, eels can be fed high, and grow better. Indonesia also has high potencial as a resource of glass eels (eels larvas). Beside that, the culture technic has success.