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30 April 2008

To hatch bullfrog eggs

Menetaskan telur kodok lembu. Hatching are activities to take care of eggs so that hatch, ready stocked to the rearing pond. Temperature is one of principal factor in hatching. When high in temperature, eggs hatch fastly, and low eggs hatch slowly. Other principal factor is dissolved oxygen. When high in dissolved oxygen, eggs hatch fastly, and low eggs hatch slowly.

During hatching, eggs develop self, change shape from round to oval, finished length. It followed formed organs, like eyes, mouth, tail, and other organs. Optimaly, 26 – 29 o C in temperature, eggs hatch i 7 days, become tadpole, complite in organs. Inoptimaly, lower in temperature, eggs hatch longer.

In hatching, you can choice two method. It’s depend of you, or also depend of spawning pond number. First, hatching in the spawning pond. If choice this method, you have to catch male, and female, then move these to marurition pond. Second, hatching in other ponds. If choice this method, you have to catch eggs, and move it to other pond.

Before hatching, you have to distinguish between good eggs, and bad eggs. Good eggs is signed by colour in black, and distributed in the water. Whereas, bad eggs is signed by colour in white, and gathered in a area, or don’t distributed.

Good eggs will hatch in 80 – 90 percent, and you have to keep in hatching. Bad eggs willn’t hatch. For it, you are better don’t hatched, or eggs trew away. Also, there are eggs has black, and white in colour. It’s bad, too. But these will hatch, if good environment.

Hatching in the spawning pond
This method is simpler than second method. Because, to catch broodstock is easer than catch eggs. Catching broodstock done after spawn, by secoop net, then entered to big pails, and stocked to maturition pond. But you have to careful in catching broodstock. Don’t dirturb eggs.

After broodstock catched, irrigate water, by opening inlet, and keep water irrigate continuously. For speeding hatching prosess, out water up to 10 cm. In this condition, water terperatur will increase, and hatching can faster. In 28 – 30 O C, eggs hatch in seven days.

Hatching in other ponds
This method more difficult than first method, to catch eggs more difficult than catch broodstock. Because that, catching eggs have to careful, and slowly. Don’t distroy mucus of eggs. If it occur, eggs will be destroy, and eggs willn’t hatch.

Eggs don’t cathed by secoop net, but it catched by water scoop. Catching eggs done little by little, don’t all of them. After taking, eggs enter to big pails. When you enterd to pails have to careful, and slowly. Hard in entering can be destroy eggs.

Pond for hatching have to prepared before. Preparation are clearing, drying, and watering. Pond cleared by outing muds, bad eggs, and other dirty, then drying in 4 – 7 days. After that, irrigate clear water in 10 cm.

Eggs carried by two people, and stock to the pond careful. Don’t destroy them. Stocking done by scoop water, and little by little. For keeping water quality, during hatching, water irrigate continuously. Outlet closed by screen, so that eggs don’t out of pond.